Monday, May 16, 2011

Endocrinology.Toxicology.Drug testing

First of all i would like to share my thoughts the first time our teacher told us about making this Blog about Clinical Chemistry. Just click on the link and you'll be directed to the blogpost :)Clinical Chemistry BLOG? (click)


I guess the first thing that pops into everyone's mind whenever they hear the word endocrinology is "hormones"

In simple definition ENDOCRINOLOGY ("endo" meaning inside and "crinis" for secrete) is the study of the Endocrine system.

The Endocrine System as defined by Calbreath, "is a collection of hormones, carrier proteins and other components of these processes"

The endocrine system is a system of glands that secrete hormones, These hormones act as chemical messengers directly released through the bloodstream and help regulate our body's biochemical processes like regulation of mood, metabolism, tissue function, reproductive processes, growth etc. 

Definition of Endocrine System (Henry's Clinical Diagnosis and
Management By Laboratory Methods 21st Edition)

What are the Major Glands that are responsible in the production of hormones?
  • Hypothalamus
  • Thyroid
  • Parathyroid
  • Pituitary
  • Islets of Langerhans
  • Adrenal
  • Gonads

As Medical Technologists, we are trained to do laboratory tests necessary in determining the levels of each hormone in the body. Any abnormal secretion and regulation of a hormone may cause illnesses/diseases. If the hormone causing the disease is determined it would be easy for the doctor to provide the right treatment needed by the patient.

What is interesting about it?

  • It works with the nervous system. It sends signals similar to that of the nervous system but the mechanism is different. 
  • The nervous system generates and sends signals very fast and generates short lived responses quickly while the Endocrine System initiates long lived responses slowly. The term "long lived" means the effects generated by the system lasts for a period of time.
For further Reading about the Endocrine System and the diseases, you may click this LINK :)


Photo Credit: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Unlike endocrinology a word didn't pop into my head whenever i hear the word "TOXIC", instead i visualize a picture/drawing of a skull and two long bones crossed.

 Toxicology ( τοξικός - toxicos "poisonous" and logos) is a study about substances/ drugs (including poison) introduced from the outside of the body and their adverse effects.

From the word itself, toxicology deals with the toxic/poison that affects man

These are classified as; Heavy Metals, Solvents and Vapors, Radiation and Radioactive Materials ,Dioxin/Furans, Pesticides, Plant Toxins and Animal Toxins.

To further understand the field, let us define some terms related to it :

  • Adverse Effects- effects that are damaging to the normal condition of an individual.
  • Toxicity- refers to the degree on how poisonous or harmful a substance is.
  • Toxic -relates to poisonous or deadly effects on the body.
  • Toxin - is a poisonous substance produced naturally.
  • Selective Toxicity - this is when a chemical will produce injury to one kind of living matter without harming another form of life, even though the two may exist close together.

There are several factors that affect the toxicity of a substance, These includes:

  • Dose - defined as the quantity of the substance taken in.
  • Duration - this is how long the person is exposed to the substance.
  • Route of Exposure - the way how a person came in contact with the substance, this can be by: ingestion, inhalation and direct skin contact.
  • Type of Chemical - one chemical differs from one another based on their physical and chemical structure.
  • Human Factors - the severity also depends on human factors like health status and age.
  • Dose Response - defined as the relationship between the dose taken and the response exhibited on the person. This relationship is directly proportional; the higher the dose, the greater the response.
  • Threshold Dose - this is the "no effect dose" wherein the substance is taken in but no response/adverse effect is seen.

This field has several sub disciplines which include:
  • Occupational Toxicology
    • sometimes called as "industrial technology", this deals with the study of chemicals/substances in the workplace.
  • Environmental toxicology
    • "Forensic Toxicology"
      Photo Credit: Nowie Serrano;
       Oliver Nico Macaspac
    • it deals with the study of chemicals that enter bodies of water, soil and the atmosphere. 
  • Forensic Toxicology
    • used to help in determining the cause of death; aids in medico legal investigations.
  • Food Toxicology
    • involved in keeping the food served to the public safe from harmful substances.
  • Clinical Toxicology 
    • concerned in treating short termed and long termed exposure to harmful substances/chemicals.
  • Mechanistic Toxicology
    • studies about how harmful chemicals/substances cause their effects.

Why is toxicology important?
  • Since ingestion of poisons like cyanide, carbon monoxide etc. is highly life threatening, early prevention and detection can probably cure/stop the adverse effects. The earlier the detection, the higher the probability that the person will recover.
Click on the link below for the list of Toxic profiles:

Toxicology Profiles for Chemical Agents

from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention


Photo Credit : Nowie Serrano
"Lab urine specimen"
Drug testing involves the analysis and detection of drugs and their metabolites on a specimen/Body fluid. 

Once you take drugs, after some time it can be detected in body fluids like urine, blood, saliva, and sweat.

 Urine  is the most popular specimen for drug testing because its cheap and can detect recent use.Drugs can also be detected in the hair.

The detection of the drug in Body fluids and hair is affected by certain factors such as the kind of drug, the amount taken, frequency, body mass and a lot more.

The main concern of Drug testing is to detect drugs of abuse and those that are illegal. 

Photo Credit : Nowie Serrano
Drugs of Abuse- these are illegal drugs taken repeatedly and amount which can affect a person's normal function which includes: cocaine, amphetamine, opiates, marijuana, valium, heroin etc.

Why is Drug Testing Important?

  • Primarily to protect the health of each and everyone. Not only the drug user but also the people around him/her.
Click on the link below: 

"Just like the other fields in Medicine, Endocrinology, Toxicology and Drug Testing plays an important role in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and also in maintaining life."